Class Information & Details

Course Solo Officer Rapid Deployment - Train-the-Trainer
Dates Mon Mar 10 - 14 (2025)
Location Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, 201 Hilbig Rd., Conroe, TX, 77301
Hosting Agency
Montgomery County Reality Based Training Center
Point of Contact
John Godden ( / 936-230-9301)
Funding Agency Funded

Time: (40 hours / 5 days)
Class Size: Minimum of 12 and max of 20 students per class
Prerequisite: Sworn law enforcement officers only
Recommended Equipment:  Handgun with at least 3 magazines or speed loaders chambered in .380, .38, .357, .40, .45 or .9mm. 350 rounds of ammunition for weapon. If your primary off-duty or concealed weapon is a small-frame handgun, students are encouraged to bring a mid to large frame handgun and concealment holster. A strong side concealment holster made for the student’s handgun configured so that the weapon can be re-holstered (does not collapse when the weapon is drawn) with one hand. Sturdy belt to support the holster. At least two shirts to cover and conceal handgun. One should be a button-down type shirt or jacket and one should be a t-shirt or polo-style shirt. Uniform shirt with police patches. Badge in a carrier to hang around the neck. Eye and ear protection. Rain jacket or rain gear and note taking materials.

Description: This is a dynamic train the trainer course is designed to provide the solo officer (off-duty/plain clothes /uniform) with the knowledge, physical skills, and mind set on how to isolate, distract, or neutralize an armed threat like an active shooter. This course will cover reasons to carry for off-duty and plain clothes officers, levels of intervention, deadly force policies and case studies, ergonomic considerations for plain clothes carry, options for mitigating the occurrence of blue on blue shootings, concepts and principles of solo officer movement, threshold evaluation, setting up for and room entry techniques, post engagement priorities of work, and incident management. Day one includes live fire training and day two culminates with dynamic force‑on‑force scenarios.